This is a continuation to Day 71: Writing Is Hard (Or Is It?)
~Picture of me writing out looooooong points with a frown on my face, jumping from one point to another.
~Picture of me writing out shooooort points with a frown on my face.
~Picture of me sitting at the computer, comparing myself to all the other Destonian's writings
~Picture of me sitting at my computer, writing out points that I am not integrating to the best of my ability.
~Picture of me looking at my writing with a frown on my face.
~Picture of me looking at my writing with a frown on my face, when I am finished for the day.
~Picture of me falling asleep in the middle of writing.
~Picture of me writing out looooooong points with a frown on my face, jumping from one point to another.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that I MUST write out everything structured in a very looooooong structure to be able to be/become specific.
I forgive myself for accepting and myself to believe that I MUST write
out everything structured in a very loooooong structure to be able to
be/become specific, as an obligation - and thus within this would allow
writing out to be and become a duty/obligation that I MUST complete a
certain way, compromising/sabotaging/abusing myself in the process,
to be and become a duty/obligation - not seeing/realizing/understanding
that writing is for SELF - because I was too busy writing out from the
starting-point that it MUST be done in a way that is apparently matching
up to specificity, I have used/abused
specificity as a idea/belief, and thus would compromise/sabotage/abuse
myself in the process - as I now see, realize and understand how I've
allowed writing to be/become a duty/obligation - because I haven't
allowed myself to realize that writing is for SELF - as an anchor of
support to express myself, absolutely and specifically.
I forgive for accepting and allowing myself to write from the starting
point of obligation/duty, as "something I must do in a very non-tangible
way" - because I have allowed writing to be/become just another form of
limitation/enslavement, I have used to enclose myself to myself, and
thus would lose myself within and as writing from a starting-point of
being/becoming an obligation/duty - not seeing/realizing/understanding
that I am setting myself up for falling in this process of re-birthing
myself within and as this one life, and thus I am merely squandering a
perfect chance/opportunity to in fact write myself out - to in fact walk
my talk here in this one life - as I now see, realize and understand
how I've consulted writing as just another character - because I have
allowed writing to be/become a duty/obligation - to remain playing it
safe - instead - I take a deep breath - to give myself a moment to gift
myself the chance/opportunity to re-look at my starting-point of writing
to in fact be/become a door of opportunity - to un-MASK the characters
that I play-out when/as I am writing myself out, that which will
inevitably bring about change that is best for all life, that which is
also best for me.
I forgive myself for NOT accepting and allowing myself to REALize how
writing out looooong or shoooooort writings have nothing to do with
specificity, as specificity is realizing a point - and thus within this
expanding the realization to in fact get to the root of how I have
allowed writing to be/become something a chore/obligation, and thus I
would jump from one point to another - because I wasn't in actuality
writing myself out, as specificity doesn't imply the length - as I now
see, realize and understand that if that were the case than everyONE
would realize what an actual chance/opportunity it is to in fact write
in the first place - because for gazillions of years - writing has been a
chore/obligation, and thus we would write out empty words that are are
left by/through interpretation - to never in fact actually see what is
here, in that which is no longer seeing into the veil of the mind - to
create a platform of seeming within and as the body, NOT the mind,
creating a solution that is best for all, that which is best for all,
and thus within this would allow INTO-ME-SEE be/become a door of
opportunity, that which will allow ourselves to no longer remain blind.
I forgive for accepting and allowing myself to think, believe and
perceive that writing out loooooong points or short points makes a
difference on how I am actually expanding myself, including who I am
within and as specificity - because I have allowed writing to be/become
a ground of judgment to see myself as superior or inferior, and thus I
have squandered a perfect door of opportunity to equalize myself to in
fact integrate the words that I am writing out, one by one, no longer
limiting/enslaving myself, and thus would instead in fact learn to write
all over again - as I now see, realize and understand that I've
correlated writing within and as knowledge/information - to treat
writing like a chore/obligation - because I gave into what I was taught
throughout my life on what writing should/shouldn't be used for in the
first place - instead - I allow myself to in fact write myself to freedom, for real, in that which is tangible, that which will allow me to grow/develop/expand myself, in all ways possible.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to resist writing myself to freedom because I have judged
this point, including myself, as "something bigger than myself" - and
thus within this would allow a image of me writing out loooooong
points with a frown on my face, jumping from one point to another, to
exist within and as myself - as I now see, realize and understand how
I've correlated specificity in relation to writing out loooooong points -
because I have allowed writing myself out become self-sabotage - a
point which I have found self-judgment in, I have used to diminish me, I
have used as something to be/become inferior, and thus would define
myself as superior in regards to someone giving me positive feed back -
not seeing/realizing/understanding that the feed back that I give has
absolutely nothing to do within and as how I am actually
assisting/supporting myself, and thus I am merely pulling a huuuuuuge
polarity mind-fuck game to instead stop, take a deep breath - to create a
platform of writing, in that which is tangible - yet specific - to
create a solution that is best for all, that which is best for me.
I commit myself to when/as/if this thought as image of me writing out
loooooong points, jumping from one point to another -- I stop, I breathe
and I bring myself back HERE to in fact ensure that I no longer treat
writing as another characterization for me to never un-mask the
characters of who I am within and as writing - because I have treated
writing as a chore/obligation - to merely get gone - instead - I allow
myself myself to realize that writing is a door of opportunity to
realize who I am/have been - without the interference of the mind - but
simply gift myself the chance/opportunity to realize that writing is
here - to re-create myself that which is best for all life, that which
is also best for me.
I commit myself to when/as/if this thought as image of me writing out
looooong points, jumping from one point to another -- I stop, I breathe
and I bring myself back HERE to in fact ensure that specificity does not
mean/imply how long/short I am writing myself out - but simply the
starting-point to ALWAYS be SELF - because I have allowed myself to
treat writing as a chore/obligation, something to finish/complete to get
to the next task/assignment - I allow myself to realize that when/as/if
I am treating writing as another to in fact stop - because this is a
confirmation that I am not here as breath as self-expression - but
instead I am busy in my mind to get to the next quickie, that which
always involves being a slave/character to time,
so - I allow myself to simply get back to REALity to no longer squander
a chance/opportunity to expand myself, in all ways possible, for real
in fact.
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