I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to experience and participate in guilt/shame for not investigating/researching/understanding the way food is developed for consumerism because I allowed myself to eat/digest/intake food without even understanding why/how the food is being developed - therefore - I will eat/digest/intake the food without any awareness of the source/origin to how the food is being manufactured or even take into consideration the animal/being that died for my consumerism to eat/digest/intake the food without any appreciation or actual understanding of how the animal-kingdom is for now the perfect ingredient to this world-system of greed, I mean obviously humans require meat to survive at the point but myself having no actual understanding of how/why food is being manufactured places me putting trust into the world-system and not considering the factors of health concern - E Coli, Diabetes and Obesity (etc) because I was too busy marveling into/as my own ignorance to never question how/why food is being developed because I've conditioned myself to never take into consideration the bigger picture of trusting this world-system to the most basic forms/aspects - I now see, realize and understand that I cannot trust anyone or anything at this point because me as a human-being is separating myself to self-trust and trusting this world-system is how we've allowed ourselves to sit on our asses to never question/ponder how/why our food is being manufactured -therefore - I allow myself to not eat/digest/intake food without understanding the source/origin to what I'm eating in the moment to not allow myself to eat in complete ignorance to only seeing a pretty picture-presentation of the product to entice my mind to never question/ponder why/how food is being manufactured or even take into consideration that food doesn't just appear out of thin air with pretty wrapping and so food has a start and a beginning just like anything else.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to assume/perceive that a product starts and ends with a pretty picture presentation - within this not taking into consideration deliberately/purposely how/why food is being consumed in preposterous ways just to make more money/profit for myself to continue marveling in ignorance to only see pretty pictures of a product that is only for my personal pleasure of consumption - not seeing, realizing and understanding that the animal-kingdom feels pain just like human-beings only the animal-kingdom doesn't purposely/deliberately slaughter human-beings for money/profit - I now see, realize and understand that for now human beings require meat to survive in this world-system but us as human-beings providing trust in this world-system to not even consider how/why food is being developed is just confirmation to how us as human beings are blinding ourselves to world corporations on purpose because it makes life easier for ourselves to never consider everyone here as humanity and to even investigate/research/understand the most simplest matters such as where/how our food comes from - therefore - I allow myself to understand that animals will continuously be slaughtered in preposterous ways in this current world-system and so the only way for animals to have some dignity is an Equal Money System and so animals will not will tortured unnecessarily to make more money/profit to allow greed to rule ourselves as Life.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate and experience anger/blame to farmers providing the resources to these corporations because of assuming/perceiving that these farmers should speak up but I'm not taking into consideration that these farmers are being blackmailed within/as debt to bring advancements to the factories in the farms to slaughter the animals - I mean, I have to be realistic here to understand that this world-system is ruled by/through money and wanting/desiring for the farmers to speak up to the corporations is pointless/meaningless because it will be no different to being some protestor to spew some words to be self-righteous that nobody is going to HEAR to bring about some magic change to this entire world-system - therefore - as long as this current world-system is here there will always be preposterous slaughters happening to animals and so the only way to change this point to bring a dignified life for the animal-kingdom is to educate myself and become a part of the system because sitting on my ass at home and complaining/whining about this world/reality isn't going to allow the animals to have dignity in any shape/form - I now see, realize and understand that participating and experiencing anger/blame to/towards farmers is merely myself not taking self-responsibility to decide to change myself because this world is never going to change if were constantly playing CharACTers to justify/excuse ourselves from our self-interest - therefore - I allow myself to understand that becoming a part of the world-system is the only way for there to be a system that is controlled by money/profit and will use and abuse anyone/anything to continue doing the same thing for generations to come.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to only take into consideration the animal-kingdom when/as I'm seeing a video or I'm physically seeing an animal be abused before my eyes because I suppressed/hid from the point that I'm part of this world-system that uses and abuses animals for products and so I'm equally self-responsible for what or what doesn't happen to the animal kingdom - therefore - I now see, realize and understand that I'm merely perpetuating/compounding the abuse in this world/reality to have to see a picture-presentation in-front of me to understand the actualities of the torment that the animal-kingdom is going through just to bring about more profit/money to the mega corporations because I allowed myself to think/believe that the abuse of an animal starts and ends with a pretty picture presentation of the product - to not in-fact understand in any shape/form the source/origin of a product because I knew within myself that what I was eating wasn't just a picture-presentation but an animal/being that died for my consumption, I'm not promoting being a vegetarian but its our jobs as human beings to research/understand/investigate the most basic things to how/why our food is being manufactured and to understand that if we continue allowing ourselves to marvel in the pretty packages of products then what else will we fall for? I do not accept or allow myself to not question a product because of a pretty picture but to understand that everything in this world is not a picture and its our jobs as human-beings to understand that everything is made up of life and so everything is alive, even the pretty presentations of food products - therefore - I allow myself to not define anything based on what I've been taught as trustworthy based on a picture-presentation and allow myself to become a part of this world-system because its the only way there be any change to this world/reality: Becoming a part of this system.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to assume/perceive that a picture of a product has/must be trust-worthy because I've been taught that anything that looks good on the outside is always good on the inside - within this I'm participating in immense separation to not seeing, realizing and understanding that this entire world is based on pictures through the eyes of the mind and only seeing the outside of the picture and trusting what I see through the eyes of the mind will become the enslavement of myself because I'm not in any shape/form investigating/researching/understanding that until we as human beings start questioning this world/reality within self-honesty will we start understanding we've trusted so many things such as how this world-system manufactures food outside ourselves because we didn't want to look at ourselves to see what we've become - to see what we in-fact have trusted the world-system to rest easy to never change and take self-responsibility that we allowed ourselves to become one and equal to/towards animal slaughter in the most un-dignified ways because it allowed ourselves to sleep better at night and to rest easy until maybe one day were the ones that are being abused - obviously, I don't mean become some fucking vegetarian or start panicking about what your doing to the animals and react/experience/participate in shame/guilt but start asking questions to finally understand what we as human-beings have become - to in-fact understand that we've been hiding/suppressing ourselves and we've been using/abusing this world-system to be the perfect excuse to never change but remain participating in the world/reality as some victim.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Day 14 - Giving up is all we've done - Part 2
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be and become the I give up character that I would allow myself to participate and experience the backchat that I'm too useless - within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define and give value to the I give up character to such an extent that I would diminish myself to think/believe that I'm useless, I mean the point of thinking/believing I'm useless would have to be a pure statement of how much I separated myself from myself because of assuming/claiming that I'm the scum on Earth because I've allowed myself to think/believe I am useless -therefore - become a victim to this world/reality that I'm nothing and cannot do anything because of the belief/idea that some idea/belief is bigger then me outside myself and that's why/how I'm useless - not seeing, realizing and understanding that its everyone in this world/reality that have allowed and accepted the fact that they are useless, I mean if everyone in this world/reality accepted themselves then wouldn't this world be completely different? I allow myself to see, realize and understand that if i continue becoming one and equal to the uselessness and only see myself as this uselessness then I know that I'm completely responsible for this outer-reality and this outer-reality is revealing that which we've denied within ourselves: The Point of self-responsibility, because many of us have claimed/assumed that we already have responsibilities but we don't - not really - because the responsibility that everyone is living right now in this world/reality involves self-interest to always survive and do anything to survive to compete in this world/reality and obviously surviving at this point with out current Money-system is essential but not with the current starting-point were living.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to assume/perceive that I don't have what it takes to get everything done to the best of my ability that I allow myself to become the I give up character - not seeing, realizing and understanding that I already have everything that I need within this moment because there is absolutely no excuse/justification to not get everything done to my utmost potential because as long as I am part of the Elite then I'm completely responsible to bring about a change to this world/reality and frankly the last thing this world needs is another character to fuel/power the matrix to not change this world/reality because of a mere character - I now see, realize and understand that I will always have what it takes as long as I have the essentials to support myself in this world/reality - therefore - I have to walk this process because the clock is ticking and characters of the mind aren't putting food in children's bellies and the characters of the mind certainly aren't providing any assistance/support to those in poverty and so there is no choice not to walk this process to walk out of mind into the physical at the point because this world/reality is no picnic and its certainly not what it makes it out to be, thus, Time to walk the talk - I do not accept or allow myself to make excuses/justifications for myself to give up myself because the most I accept this point I am giving up on life and so when I'm assuming/claiming that me giving up on myself will not hurt anybody this is just proof on how we as human beings have given up on life in every seemingly way.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect/attach another dimension to the I give up character by/through participating and experiencing the backchat that I might as well wallow in depression because I don't deserve to support myself -therefore - I allow myself to not see, realize and understand that there is no such thing as deserving something but DIS-SERVING Life in every possible way to not stand up to actually understand that there are no victims because everyone here is self-responsible and giving up on ourselves will only allow the atrocity to continue endlessly - within this point I have to stop because this entire starting-point of humanity thinking/believing were al victims to the system is bullshit and will always be bullshit because we as humanity are actually relieved to the world-system doing all the work to enslave humanity for us to sit on our asses and complain/whine that all we are is victims and we cannot do anything - therefore - its this mind-set that has allowed us to never change this world/reality and stop the reLIEf to never take self-responsibility to always in-fact never bring about anything worthy of living because of always living the point of giving up - instead of not seeing, realizing and understanding that we as humanity have given up a long time ago and keep giving up and even the faces of children on the television starving to death or the death of a loved one from a drug-addiction still don't allow us to change this world/reality by/through changing ourselves and so all what we do is continue what we do best: Give up. Time to face the music.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to assume/perceive that I am too stupid to get anything done to the best of my ability - within this I allow myself to think/believe that one must be the polarized opposite in order to get anything done and so I'm not taking into consideration that intelligence is what has slaved us for generations and what has actually made us stupid to give up on ourselves by/through always chasing/finding/attaining some sort solution that always involved some sort of formula that was always outside of self and never actually considered living knowledge/information for what is best for all - to in-fact understand that investigating this world/reality is the only way were going to bring any change to stop everyone to become just another philosopher that will soon be forgotten - I now see, realize and understand that the assumption/belief/idea that one must store enough information and recite it precisely and maybe only then I'm good enough/capable to get anything done to the best of my ability - therefore - I allow myself to stop the polarity of chasing/finding/attaining society's view of intelligence to in-fact bring about any change and so I allow myself to understand that knowledge/information has never/will never save humanity but only compound/perpetuate this world/reality to always remain enslaved to knowledge/information that we never even understood in the first place. How can someone understand knowledge/information when they aren't living it?
I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that its knowledge/information that has become the key ingredient to the I give up character because that is all what people do in their lives in our current world-system: chase/find/attain some knowledge/information because we gave up on ourselves and we knew and so we've chased/found/attained some point of knowledge/information to hide/suppress the point of not taking self-responsibility and so chasing/finding/attaining this knowledge/information would somehow make up for/cover up what which we always knew within ourselves that we've always given up on Life in every way possible - therefore - I now see, realize and understanding that this game of morality to chase/find/attain some piece of knowledge/information was always a cover up to make up for what we've done to ourselves and to Life - therefore - every decision has a triple affect - someone decides to live their entire life chasing/finding/attaining knowledge/information the world does the same - someone decides to live by/through a principle of is best for all - Who knows what will happen? I allow myself to live the decision of walking our of the mind into the physical because I know within myself that this process is the only thing to do because this world/reality has only become another place to become another philosopher chasing/finding/attaining some gold platter to justify and excuse our self-interest to not stand up for life.
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Day 31: Deleting the "I'm A Good Person" Character
Day 116: The War Within in the Name of God
120. 'I don't like breaking my routine'
81. 'We're all going to die anyways'
Day: 32: 4 Ways to STOP Living Through Fear
123. Home Alone: a Loner's Paradise
Day 29: Facing The 'I Don't Know' Character
Day 102: Playing the Somebody Done Me Wrong Song
Day 78: Character: Daring to Die
Day 101: "Fear of Failure" Character - continued
escape reality,
face the music,
The Giver Upper,
The Quitter,
weak character,
Friday, July 27, 2012
Day 13: Part 1 - I GIVE UP!!!!!
I Give up Character
Thought Dimension: A picture of me laying in my room all alone ( So, this point isn't relevant at the moment in relation to the thought dimension) experiencing myself as being, 'depressed.'
Thought Dimension: A picture of me on the computer looking at spiritual forums and experiencing myself as ( This point again is related to the emotional/feelings reactions I was experiencing in the moment) inferior but projecting myself as superior.
Thought Dimension: A picture of me looking at an apparent bad grade.
Thought Dimension: A picture of me crying in my room all by myself.
Backchat Dimension: "I am too useless."
Backchat Dimension: "I don't have what it takes."
Backchat Dimension: "I might as well wallow in depression because I don't deserve to support myself."
Backchat Dimension: "I'm too fucking stupid to get this done."
Backchat Dimension: "What am I doing wrong"?
Reaction Dimension: Depressed.
Reaction Dimension: uselessness
Reaction Dimension: hopelessness
Reaction Dimension: Inferiority
Reaction Dimension: judgment
Reaction Dimension: expectation
Reaction Dimension: stress
Reaction Dimension: nervousness
Reaction Dimension: tired
Reaction Dimension: Easiness
Reaction Dimension: Spitefulness
Reaction Dimension: Shame
Reaction Dimension: Guilt
Physical Behaviour Dimension: slumped shoulders
Physical Behaviour Dimension: shoulders and neck stiffen
Physical Behaviour Dimension: insomnia
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to experience and participate in the give up character when I'm all alone and have to look at myself - no matter what - within this I experience depression because I think/believe I'm not good enough/not capable of assisting/supporting myself to get everything done to the best of my ability but instead of actually doing it and not participate in my mind and compound the point further I allow myself to continuously participate in the depression until I'm good and ready to think/believe that I'm always going to be not good enough/not capable to get everything done to my utmost potential, and so I allow myself to not assist/support myself because I deliberately allowed myself to allow a feeling of easiness to over-power me because I knew within myself that I didn't have to get everything done to the best of my ability because of the justification/excuse that I've created in my mind that I'm always going to be not/good enough/not capable to ensure that I don't have to take self-responsibility for assignment/tasks that I have throughout my day. I now see, realize and understand that I'm blinding myself in depression to ensure to think/believe that I'm not good enough/not capable of assisting/supporting myself to get everything done to the best of my ability but knew within myself that it would allow me the perfect excuse/justification to not be a self-responsible being but another character that will do anything and everything possible to maintain her around everyone else's self-interest to never in-fact become a being that assists/supports herself to get everything done and have no excuses but to be a stable being.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to assume/perceive that a picture of myself all alone has/must be the perfect time for me to react in depression because I know within myself that all needs to get done and must get done is when I'm forced to be alone with myself - not seeing, realizing and understanding that every moment of every breath I am alone, and so every moment of every breath I'm self-aware of what must get done but I've allowed myself to participate in my self-interest to such an extent that I've created an idea/projection that I'm not good enough/not capable - therefore - I will allow myself to compound the point further to participate in depression for myself to simply not face the point of my self-responsibility that I have on a day to day basis, and so I allow myself to wallow and think/believe that I'm only with myself when I'm alone - within this I do anything to not be alone with myself by/through compounding points of depression for myself to never face the fact that I'm always alone with myself because I'm always here - therefore - I know matter what am self-aware of what needs/must be done but will ensure my self-interest to the separation I've created in my mind that there is some sort of manual to get daily responsibilities completed to my utmost potential.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to experience and participate in the give up character - when and as I'm on the computer looking at spirituality forums and I'm experiencing myself as inferior and I'm hiding/suppressing how I'm actually experiencing myself by/through projecting myself as superior to others and compound this point to such an extent because I participate in the give up character on how I've allowed myself to participate in my ego to such an extent and react/perceive that how/why I was experiencing myself is/was defined by/through me to this day - therefore - I want/desire to give up on myself because how I've allowed myself to participate in this point to such an extent that I became spiteful because I thought/believed I was superior/special/more than and would compound the point further because I've allowed the memory to become me to such an extent that I've allowed shame/guilt become defined by/through myself because I think about how much I lost myself within that experience and why/how I've allowed myself to compete with others to merely attain/find some more energy to feel/experience myself as superior/more than/special to merely see myself - instead, I've allowed myself to participate in the give up character for why/how I've allowed myself to become another pretentious asshole that never actually cared about life, in any shape/form but did anything possible to remain competing with others to do anything to experience and participate in superiority/specialness to see myself as more than to simply not see, realize and understand how I'm actually experiencing myself and what I am participating in - therefore - I experience/participate in shame/guilt to actually hide/suppress the point more to make myself think/believe that its justifiable/ excusable now that I'm experiencing negative reactions to make myself have morality - to make the point of giving up something easier for myself to forget because I knew what I was participating/experiencing the entire time.
I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that me projecting myself as superior to hide/suppress the point of inferiority I was experiencing/participating/projecting in relation to being on the computer and participating in spirituality forums or even who/what I was in spirituality was the perfect justifiable/excuseable and plausible point for me to give up on myself because I've allowed a memory become me to the point, wherein - I allow/lose myself more within the give up character to never in-fact understand that who/what I was within spirituality has nothing to do with myself to create another character to hide/suppress more to cover up another dimension of/as myself because deep down within myself I understood that who/what I was is the perfect excuse/justification and plausible idea/belief to not in-fact see myself at all - therefore - I allowed myself to hate myself to the point that I thought/believed that I couldn't look at myself because it could become the perfect excuse/justification to become my present - to become the point that allowed me to not take self-responsibility for the daily tasks/assignments that I have throughout my daily-living but just allow myself to hide/suppress myself further because of a mere memory that I've defined myself as to the point that it became another character to suit up to diminish/judge myself to never in-fact become someone that is stable and always ready to take up another task/assignment to see that self is always capable but not allow myself to bite off more than I can chew just to prove to myself that I'm capable/good enough to take on the I give up character. I now see, realize and understand that why/what I was within spirituality in general was just another character - therefore - I allow myself to look at myself because when/as I'm looking at myself I now know who I am/could be because I am not a thought/backchat/reactions/physical reactions or a character but a person, and so I allow myself to treat myself like one that will never/not allow myself to become just another character that never in-fact takes self-responsibility to get daily tasks/assignments done.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect/attach another dimension to the I give up character by/through participating/reacting to a picture of me looking at an apparent bad grade - therefore - I allow myself to give up on myself because the grade isn't what I've pre-programmed myself to like/dislike that I was taught from the Education System - within this the point of/as judging myself to want/desire to give up is because of myself defining and valuing myself to mere letters that throughout generations of time became the symbolic answer to rather you were/weren't good enough to make it this world-system - within this point of getting the grade that was considered remarkable to this world-system I would became pleased but it became a point of possession/obsession for/as myself because of trying to search for self-perfection, instead - I did not in-fact realize for myself that perfection could only exist if consciousness as enslavement existed, and so I also did not take into consideration that reaching/finding perfection outside myself was not in-fact perfection but the mere give up character at work - therefore - perfection was an endless game for myself to not give up on myself in someway to make it into the world-system, instead - of not considering that perfection only could exist if I actually allowed myself to live for the very first time and not became another slave that is always trying/attaining to find something to became and so the I give up character would be based on the system's idea of perfection and if I didn't allow myself to match up to society's views of perfection then I would be swallowed up by/through the system entirely and end up as another slave to money. I now see, realize and understand that I'm already/will always remain a slave to money as long as our current money system is here and so this is no excuse for myself to continue matching up to ideas/projections of what this world-system thinks/believes is perfection.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to immediately react/assume that the I give up character is entirely based on what the world-system thinks/believes is perfection, instead - not considering that this world-system is only based on the world-system of money and wants/desires nothing to do with anything else that involved money and will stop at nothing to get money to always enslave others to want/desire to give up on themselves - to never in-fact change ourselves as life to self-perfection because that would mean that the I give up character wouldn't become the instinct of survival to always allow society to try/attain and find something outside self to keep the customers occupied to ideas/projections of perfection in my mind to always in-fact survive to never live - to never become an actual Earthling that in-fact understand what perfection implies to indeed understand that we in this moment are enslaved to money but that doesn't mean that we as the Elite can't do anything to finally become an Earthling that takes nature and the animal-kingdom into consideration as living Oneness & Equality. I now see, realize and understand that since we as the Elite are here - then we're more then capable of getting our asses in gear to reach perfection that involves everyone to live a dignified life - to in-fact understand that perfection doesn't involve becoming a slave to the world-system's ideas/projections of what life actually constitutes as.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to cry within self-victimization/self-defeat because of becoming a slave to the character of/as I give up on myself because I've allowed myself to take into consideration on some level that I've suppressed/hidden from myself to what I've actually became within the I give up on myself character - therefore - I've allowed myself to fuel/power the point further to not in-fact reach a solution but continued to participate in the idea/projection that I am/will always remain a slave to the character of/as I give up on myself, instead - of actually taking consideration that if I understand on some level that which I've become I would not be crying within self-victimization/self-defeat but creating a solution because this world and reality has been doing nothing but cry in direct/-in-direct ways that we've never actually considered that if I'm aware of what I've become and I'm crying about it then I know that I'm most definitely full responsible for this world and reality and the character I've become because I never allowed myself to find a solution but cry to become the perfect scapegoat for myself to not take into consideration the group as humanity but only my own ass to never in-fact change but allow myself to fuel/power the I give up character to always remain a character that never gives a fuck about what is happening but will cry to have morality and forget about the point later on purposely/deliberately to never become an Earthling that is here in this world/reality breathing in every moment of every breath.
Thought Dimension: A picture of me laying in my room all alone ( So, this point isn't relevant at the moment in relation to the thought dimension) experiencing myself as being, 'depressed.'
Thought Dimension: A picture of me on the computer looking at spiritual forums and experiencing myself as ( This point again is related to the emotional/feelings reactions I was experiencing in the moment) inferior but projecting myself as superior.
Thought Dimension: A picture of me looking at an apparent bad grade.
Thought Dimension: A picture of me crying in my room all by myself.
Backchat Dimension: "I am too useless."
Backchat Dimension: "I don't have what it takes."
Backchat Dimension: "I might as well wallow in depression because I don't deserve to support myself."
Backchat Dimension: "I'm too fucking stupid to get this done."
Backchat Dimension: "What am I doing wrong"?
Reaction Dimension: Depressed.
Reaction Dimension: uselessness
Reaction Dimension: hopelessness
Reaction Dimension: Inferiority
Reaction Dimension: judgment
Reaction Dimension: expectation
Reaction Dimension: stress
Reaction Dimension: nervousness
Reaction Dimension: tired
Reaction Dimension: Easiness
Reaction Dimension: Spitefulness
Reaction Dimension: Shame
Reaction Dimension: Guilt
Physical Behaviour Dimension: slumped shoulders
Physical Behaviour Dimension: shoulders and neck stiffen
Physical Behaviour Dimension: insomnia
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to experience and participate in the give up character when I'm all alone and have to look at myself - no matter what - within this I experience depression because I think/believe I'm not good enough/not capable of assisting/supporting myself to get everything done to the best of my ability but instead of actually doing it and not participate in my mind and compound the point further I allow myself to continuously participate in the depression until I'm good and ready to think/believe that I'm always going to be not good enough/not capable to get everything done to my utmost potential, and so I allow myself to not assist/support myself because I deliberately allowed myself to allow a feeling of easiness to over-power me because I knew within myself that I didn't have to get everything done to the best of my ability because of the justification/excuse that I've created in my mind that I'm always going to be not/good enough/not capable to ensure that I don't have to take self-responsibility for assignment/tasks that I have throughout my day. I now see, realize and understand that I'm blinding myself in depression to ensure to think/believe that I'm not good enough/not capable of assisting/supporting myself to get everything done to the best of my ability but knew within myself that it would allow me the perfect excuse/justification to not be a self-responsible being but another character that will do anything and everything possible to maintain her around everyone else's self-interest to never in-fact become a being that assists/supports herself to get everything done and have no excuses but to be a stable being.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to assume/perceive that a picture of myself all alone has/must be the perfect time for me to react in depression because I know within myself that all needs to get done and must get done is when I'm forced to be alone with myself - not seeing, realizing and understanding that every moment of every breath I am alone, and so every moment of every breath I'm self-aware of what must get done but I've allowed myself to participate in my self-interest to such an extent that I've created an idea/projection that I'm not good enough/not capable - therefore - I will allow myself to compound the point further to participate in depression for myself to simply not face the point of my self-responsibility that I have on a day to day basis, and so I allow myself to wallow and think/believe that I'm only with myself when I'm alone - within this I do anything to not be alone with myself by/through compounding points of depression for myself to never face the fact that I'm always alone with myself because I'm always here - therefore - I know matter what am self-aware of what needs/must be done but will ensure my self-interest to the separation I've created in my mind that there is some sort of manual to get daily responsibilities completed to my utmost potential.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to experience and participate in the give up character - when and as I'm on the computer looking at spirituality forums and I'm experiencing myself as inferior and I'm hiding/suppressing how I'm actually experiencing myself by/through projecting myself as superior to others and compound this point to such an extent because I participate in the give up character on how I've allowed myself to participate in my ego to such an extent and react/perceive that how/why I was experiencing myself is/was defined by/through me to this day - therefore - I want/desire to give up on myself because how I've allowed myself to participate in this point to such an extent that I became spiteful because I thought/believed I was superior/special/more than and would compound the point further because I've allowed the memory to become me to such an extent that I've allowed shame/guilt become defined by/through myself because I think about how much I lost myself within that experience and why/how I've allowed myself to compete with others to merely attain/find some more energy to feel/experience myself as superior/more than/special to merely see myself - instead, I've allowed myself to participate in the give up character for why/how I've allowed myself to become another pretentious asshole that never actually cared about life, in any shape/form but did anything possible to remain competing with others to do anything to experience and participate in superiority/specialness to see myself as more than to simply not see, realize and understand how I'm actually experiencing myself and what I am participating in - therefore - I experience/participate in shame/guilt to actually hide/suppress the point more to make myself think/believe that its justifiable/ excusable now that I'm experiencing negative reactions to make myself have morality - to make the point of giving up something easier for myself to forget because I knew what I was participating/experiencing the entire time.
I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to see, realize and understand that me projecting myself as superior to hide/suppress the point of inferiority I was experiencing/participating/projecting in relation to being on the computer and participating in spirituality forums or even who/what I was in spirituality was the perfect justifiable/excuseable and plausible point for me to give up on myself because I've allowed a memory become me to the point, wherein - I allow/lose myself more within the give up character to never in-fact understand that who/what I was within spirituality has nothing to do with myself to create another character to hide/suppress more to cover up another dimension of/as myself because deep down within myself I understood that who/what I was is the perfect excuse/justification and plausible idea/belief to not in-fact see myself at all - therefore - I allowed myself to hate myself to the point that I thought/believed that I couldn't look at myself because it could become the perfect excuse/justification to become my present - to become the point that allowed me to not take self-responsibility for the daily tasks/assignments that I have throughout my daily-living but just allow myself to hide/suppress myself further because of a mere memory that I've defined myself as to the point that it became another character to suit up to diminish/judge myself to never in-fact become someone that is stable and always ready to take up another task/assignment to see that self is always capable but not allow myself to bite off more than I can chew just to prove to myself that I'm capable/good enough to take on the I give up character. I now see, realize and understand that why/what I was within spirituality in general was just another character - therefore - I allow myself to look at myself because when/as I'm looking at myself I now know who I am/could be because I am not a thought/backchat/reactions/physical reactions or a character but a person, and so I allow myself to treat myself like one that will never/not allow myself to become just another character that never in-fact takes self-responsibility to get daily tasks/assignments done.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to connect/attach another dimension to the I give up character by/through participating/reacting to a picture of me looking at an apparent bad grade - therefore - I allow myself to give up on myself because the grade isn't what I've pre-programmed myself to like/dislike that I was taught from the Education System - within this the point of/as judging myself to want/desire to give up is because of myself defining and valuing myself to mere letters that throughout generations of time became the symbolic answer to rather you were/weren't good enough to make it this world-system - within this point of getting the grade that was considered remarkable to this world-system I would became pleased but it became a point of possession/obsession for/as myself because of trying to search for self-perfection, instead - I did not in-fact realize for myself that perfection could only exist if consciousness as enslavement existed, and so I also did not take into consideration that reaching/finding perfection outside myself was not in-fact perfection but the mere give up character at work - therefore - perfection was an endless game for myself to not give up on myself in someway to make it into the world-system, instead - of not considering that perfection only could exist if I actually allowed myself to live for the very first time and not became another slave that is always trying/attaining to find something to became and so the I give up character would be based on the system's idea of perfection and if I didn't allow myself to match up to society's views of perfection then I would be swallowed up by/through the system entirely and end up as another slave to money. I now see, realize and understand that I'm already/will always remain a slave to money as long as our current money system is here and so this is no excuse for myself to continue matching up to ideas/projections of what this world-system thinks/believes is perfection.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to immediately react/assume that the I give up character is entirely based on what the world-system thinks/believes is perfection, instead - not considering that this world-system is only based on the world-system of money and wants/desires nothing to do with anything else that involved money and will stop at nothing to get money to always enslave others to want/desire to give up on themselves - to never in-fact change ourselves as life to self-perfection because that would mean that the I give up character wouldn't become the instinct of survival to always allow society to try/attain and find something outside self to keep the customers occupied to ideas/projections of perfection in my mind to always in-fact survive to never live - to never become an actual Earthling that in-fact understand what perfection implies to indeed understand that we in this moment are enslaved to money but that doesn't mean that we as the Elite can't do anything to finally become an Earthling that takes nature and the animal-kingdom into consideration as living Oneness & Equality. I now see, realize and understand that since we as the Elite are here - then we're more then capable of getting our asses in gear to reach perfection that involves everyone to live a dignified life - to in-fact understand that perfection doesn't involve becoming a slave to the world-system's ideas/projections of what life actually constitutes as.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to cry within self-victimization/self-defeat because of becoming a slave to the character of/as I give up on myself because I've allowed myself to take into consideration on some level that I've suppressed/hidden from myself to what I've actually became within the I give up on myself character - therefore - I've allowed myself to fuel/power the point further to not in-fact reach a solution but continued to participate in the idea/projection that I am/will always remain a slave to the character of/as I give up on myself, instead - of actually taking consideration that if I understand on some level that which I've become I would not be crying within self-victimization/self-defeat but creating a solution because this world and reality has been doing nothing but cry in direct/-in-direct ways that we've never actually considered that if I'm aware of what I've become and I'm crying about it then I know that I'm most definitely full responsible for this world and reality and the character I've become because I never allowed myself to find a solution but cry to become the perfect scapegoat for myself to not take into consideration the group as humanity but only my own ass to never in-fact change but allow myself to fuel/power the I give up character to always remain a character that never gives a fuck about what is happening but will cry to have morality and forget about the point later on purposely/deliberately to never become an Earthling that is here in this world/reality breathing in every moment of every breath.
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Thursday, July 26, 2012
Day 12: The Perfect Body - Part 2
and as I see myself accepting and allowing myself to go into judgment
towards myself in relation to my body is too disgusting within being
directed by/through the media: I stop participation in defining
myself as picture-presentations, by taking a breath and reminding
myself that I am here in my body in this moment and not in a
and as I see myself accepting and allowing the point of/as NOT
accepting my human physical body because its too disgusting within
being directed by/through the media: I stop participation in this
point to see that if I'm not accepting my human physical body I'm not
one and equal to/towards acceptance, therefore, I allow myself to see
that I must do redefinitions on the word, 'acceptance,' to actually
in-fact LIVE acceptance to a definition that is best for ALL and not
the acceptance that I'm currently living in my world and reality.
realize that when I'm defining myself as picture-presentations I'm in
actuality only limiting myself to be and become a picture, and that's
it. I'm limiting myself to be and become a holographic stimulation
and reacting within it all based on my pre-programmed conditionings
to what is, 'beautiful,' and, 'worthy.'
commit myself to walking this process into the physical without any
picture-presentations within/as acceptance, because I now see that
I'm limiting myself to be and become what is, 'beautiful,' and,
'worthy,' and within this will stop at nothing but to continuously
look/find something that will always make me seem, 'more,' because I
don't value life in any shape/form, therefore, I stop, I breathe and
I take my power back to see that there is nothing ever to be but only
seeing what is actually is here is all what I need to see.
commit myself to - when and as I see that I am accepting and allowing
myself to go into judgments about never having had sex with another
person because relationships scare me within the fear of being
intimate with myself as another, I realize that I will not accept and
allow my fear of self-intimacy as another to define who I am here in
this moment of breath, but that I will in the moment stand with
myself and realize that I am walking my process of redefining me to
walk/become/live/express my self equality and oneness, to finally let
the self-judgment go and accept myself within self-intimacy.
assist and support myself to - from this moment, transform the
self-judgment into and as a practical physical process, that I will
only walk in agreement with seeing/realizing/understanding,
'self-judgment,' as a gift to acceptance to assist/support myself
with ensuring that self-judgment does not just come as an act of not
accepting myself with consequence to myself and another but a
realization to learn, grow and expand from seeing that judgment is a
key point to understand what I am doing to myself.
realize that judging myself from my physical appearance, internally
and externally, is only holding myself from myself - and letting go
of/releasing my judgments is letting go of/releasing myself from
picture presentations, so that can walk here in every moment of
breath, standing equal - to and one with ourselves/me and each other
and start the process of life.
commit myself to slow down for myself to see that if I'm here, breath
by breath, in self-awareness, I can learn to realize for myself and
accept myself first, NOT dwelling on the self-judgment upon what I've
become in the past but consider what I can do now in this moment of
being, 'here,' in every moment of breath to finally see the process
of life.
commit myself to STOP defining myself from my physical appearance
this fear that I developed into having to judge myself and if I don't
I see/realize and understand this point then I MUST take into
consideration that I'm being and becoming a slave to beauty, I will
assist/support myself to allow space to grow, to develop, to expand
and allow myself to forgive past errors and past behaviors that don't
stand for the process of life.
I make a self-agreement within myself that when and as I see myself
judging myself over past errors and past behaviors, I stop, I breathe
and I bring myself back here. I breathe through the experience of not
looking a certain way and I direct it within myself firmly in the
realization that no matter what I look like, is equal to and one with
myself, in and as the delusional belief and acceptance of myself as
separate to my physical appearance, I allow myself to accept and
embrace my human physical body in humbleness to see/realize and
understand that I can change, 'who I am,' within, 'how I see,' my
physical body if I actually want too.
commit myself to take responsibility for NOT accepting my human
physical body, but NOT beat myself up for creating expectations for
myself that are only an idea – I stop, I breathe and I bring myself
back HERE to immediately look at the point for judging my human
physical body, and seeing/realizing and understanding what point I
have not become one and equal too, to make myself actually judge
myself for not looking a certain way.
and as I see myself partcipating in polarity games of/as
picture-presentations of people being, accepting, or,
'non-accepting,' I STOP, breathe and let go of my experience
of picture-presentations to/towards when people are being,
'accepting,' or, 'non-accepting,' in absolute self-honesty and stand
up, align myself back to myself and walk equal to and one with
everyone that I'm separating myself within picture presentations of
the polarity game of acceptance.
and as I see myself participating in beating myself up for NOT
accepting my human physical body – I stop, I breathe and I direct
myself to self-realize that NOT getting something, unless its
something that I don't need to survive in the physical to function is
actually bullshit, and actually is abusing/compromising, NOT actually
seeing/realizing and understanding what I've done and become.
commit myself to accept and embrace my human physical body in
humbleness to actually REALize I can change, 'who I am,' within my
human physical body if I actually want too.
commit myself to STOP the illusions that I've placed to/towards my
human physical body and making the mind-projections I have placed
to/towards my body be real within my mind to NOT see the actuality of
this reality and myself.
commit myself to become the living expression of self-acceptance as
life within/as my human physical body of equality and oneness –
being here within/as my physical body to see all as myself -realizing
then I am acceptance to NOT take my physical body for granted that
gives me the breath I breathe in and out.
commit myself to stand as self-acceptance as life to NOT continuously
use and abuse my human physical body within picture-presentations
to/towards when people are being, 'accepting,' or, 'non-accepting,'
to finally embrace EVERYTHING of myself.
commit myself to STOP the fear of my physical body through NOT
defining my body as something, 'disgusting,' or, 'worthless,' and to
get real and get in touch within/as myself to accept myself, once and
for all to get physical and practical.
commit myself to STOP the fear of physical body and to humble myself
and actually get real to see as long as I'm controlled by knowledge
and information I will NOT see life, therefore, I will NOT
continously use and abuse my human physical body within
picture-presentations to/towards when people are being, 'accepting,'
or, 'non-accepting,' to finally Live self-honesty to the absolute
utmost potential I can/and will and stand up and align myself back to
substance/life to walk one with everyone else that I'm separating
myself within picture-presentations the polarity game of acceptance.
commit myself to stop the inner war of seeing my body as a complete
separate part of myself that I've allowed myself to only see my body
as a weapon for others to see me as, 'beautiful,' or, 'worthy,' I
commit myself to investigate the inner-workings of myself as the
energetic experiences through looking at how I've separated myself to
such an extent to creating separate entities of/as myself, meaning,
I'm slit in two and I direct myself to stand stable and see that I
can assist and support myself and become ONE within myself; NO
spirituality and ascension only oneness and equality.
commit myself to forgive myself for abusing my body that is physical,
here and aware by investigating every aspect of me that I've defined
according to separation points I've allowed over-time.
commit myself to consider that I am equally responsible for the
thoughts, feelings and emotions that I was experiencing, no matter
how much I see myself as 'a victim, no matter how shitty I'm
experiencing myself as a being.
commit myself - to stand in breath when and as I'm abusing my body
within mind-projections to not accept and allow myself to NOT direct
myself within abusing my body within the backchat and
internal-external conflict energetic movements that I experience.
commit myself to show to myself that the body is life because it
allows me to even breathe when I'm inside my mind and listening to
the voices inside my head because I'm not serving my body as life in
any shape/form.
commit myself to NOT allowing the voices inside my head to condemn
life entirely within/as myself to see that I can rebirth myself here
as life to SEE the substance/life within/as myself that has been
waiting to wake up to NOT be and become abused and used to the voices
inside my head that I listen to make myself experience myself as,
'disgusting,' therefore, - I commit myself to STOP the inner war of
myself to finally breathe – When and as I'm abusing my body within
mind-projections to NOT accept and allow myself to NOT direct myself
to finally see how the voices inside my head are not serving my human
physical body nor myself as life in any shape/form to STOP the fear
of my physical body through NOT defining my body as something,
'disgusting,' or, 'worthless,' and to get real and get in touch
within/as myself to accept myself, once and for all to get physical
and practical.
commit myself to – when and as I see myself using and abusing the
past as definitions and values to/towards myself to NOT see that this
is a flag-point for myself to actually see that I'm fucking with
myself to NOT let go of/as the past, and to finally see that there is
nothing here but what is here now in this breath and in this very
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