Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 22: Part 2 - Is Love the Most Important Thing in the Universe?

When and as I see myself trying/attaining/attempting to assume/perceive that Love is the only way for us human beings to create a solution within this world/reality, I stop and I breathe - I realize that I was merely looking/searching/finding/seeking something/someone outside myself to make up for the fact that there is nothing more and nothing less then the abuse we see walking on this Planet - therefore - I was only self-creating some benevolent purpose/Destiny to why/how human beings are here because I didn't allow myself to see, realize and understand that I was only abdicating my own self-responsibility because I knew that the abuse in this physical reality is our responsibility as human beings to get this together and so who directly created the abuse is ludicrous because were all responsible for what is here - No Purpose or Destiny needed. Thus I direct myself to apply the 4-count breath to allow myself to understand that nothing is going to change in this world/reality if we continue looking/searching/finding/seeking for someone/something outside ourselves to redeem us from our Sins (abuse) to always remain looking for some benevolent reason/purpose that somehow allow ourselves to remain sitting on our asses because of thinking/believing Evolution is the answer to all our problems.

I now see, realize and understand that all we've been is thinking/believing that we must always reach for something and Ca-ching! that allows to always wait/waste/postpone our lives in every moment of every breath because someone/something can have a plan for ourselves for us to reach some benevolent path that will redeem us somehow for not taking our power back to ourselves to understand that there is no other way to change this world/reality by/through looking/searching/finding/seeking some purpose/Destiny because as of now the only Destiny that we as human beings have is children's names dying for no valid reason on our backs because we never had taken the time to understand that we are our own purpose/Desteni and so we can no longer reach for anything because were trying/attaining/attempting to reach for ourselves because we've been separating ourselves from ourselves for so long that we never realized that there is nothing to search for because everything is here.

When and as I see myself trying/attaining/attempting to understand what Love is/could be, I stop and I breathe and I bring myself back here - I realize that Love is redundant if one has already realized Equality & Oneness as Life because Love naturally then becomes a part of Life and there is nothing to search for because everything is here - therefore - I was only self-creating another religion of self for myself to always try and search for something because I never considered that if I actually would take Life into consideration then Love would naturally become a part of myself and so I direct myself to take a deep breather and allow myself to see, realize and understand that there is nothing to search/find/seek for because when self has understood what true Equality & Oneness means then Love becomes irrelevant - therefore - I allow myself to de-construct the inner-workings of my mind to get to the nitty gritty within and as self-forgiveness to reach self-realization that was never actually reached in the first place because it was already waiting to be re-awakened in the first place within and as self-awareness.

I now see, realize and understand that if I spend my entire life waiting/waiting/postponing my process because of trying/attaining/attempting to search for Love I'm just going to be another CharACTer that did everything in his/her delusional power to remain deliberately/purposely in ignorance because I didn't allow myself to understand that Love is irrelevant if I allow myself to realize that I was merely going through time-loops, in other words stupidity loops because I didn't take into consideration that if I'm here as self-awareness in every moment of every breath then Love is crazy because it naturally then becomes a part of my expression to understand that reaching/searching/seeking/finding another religion of self will only lead me to another CharACTer perfectly placed for myself to remain a victim to the Searcher Character because I was always finding some sort of meaning in everything, wherein - all what I was really doing was wasting/waiting another breath/chance/opportunity to understand that everything is here.

When and as I see myself placing/projecting Love as the perfect justification/excuse to place hope/faith in someone/something outside myself because of somehow understanding the nature of man - I stop, I breathe and I bring myself back here - I realize that there is nothing to understand if it doesn't involve commonsensically debunking Love and only further perpetuating/compounding the enslavement/limitation of myself then I know that the only nature that has ever existed is every man for myself - to always want/desire something outward to tell us how fucking great we are and so never taking into consideration that all I'm wanting/desiring is for someone to validate my fucked up nature to feel Love to put myself at ease. Thus I direct myself to breathe and understand that the nature of man has been repeated for generations after generations of time and so there is nothing to understand but Live for myself to not become another CharACTer perpetuating/compounding the shit to always play this game of validation.

I now see, realize and understand that understanding the nature of man was just another justification/excuse to cover up/hide/suppress the FEAR - to maintain my illusion to always feel the sugary goodness of LOVE to remain in FEAR to always be the perfect scapegoat because it has become an acceptable part of society to always remain competing for the next big win - therefore - I never had taken into consideration that the only competition I was playing was within and as myself because I didn't allow myself to understand that no justification is worth it if means hiding/suppressing the actuality of myself.

Re-defining the Word - "Love"

Dictionary Definition: A great interest or pleasure in something.

I see the word Love as the most important thing in the world because I was trying/attaining/attempting to find/search/seek for some hidden truth because I knew within and as myself that Love didn't make any sense because it didn't in anyway match the reflection of this physical reality - therefore - Love has been the perfect justification/excuse to never take responsibility and it allows me to feel about it because Love is acceptable in society to cover up/suppress/hide from Fear to remain a slave to our deliberate enslavement to always do everything in our delusional power to remain looking/finding/searching for something that will ourselves feel peachy about everything. And so Love becomes something that I have reacted within and as these fluttery feelings in my chest called LOVE because I knew within and as myself that just below those sugary feelings there was an immense amount of fear to/towards the word Love.

Sounding - LOVE
V- Meaning there are two paths to reach to slowly but surely reach the door of opportunity of unconditional Love that is already realized when Equality & Oneness is realized and then there is the endless path to a LOVE that only involved suiting/enslaving/limiting oneself to the CharACTers within and as self to remain participating in LOVE to forevermore remain a slave to FEAR that is always beneath the sugary goodness that we call LOVE.
E - Energy - meaning self accessing the energetic time-loop of LOVE to remain enslaved to fluttery feelings within and as self.

Love represents looking at the choices that self has in each in every moment to decide to forevermore become a slave to FEAR or reach the point of no return wherein LOVE becomes realized as/when Life is equal as self.

The practical application of the word LOVE - is to understand that when self reaches the energetic LOVE all there will ever be is FEAR to hide/suppress the point that self is capable to take action to where LOVE becomes a part of ones expression in every moment of every breath and when the point comes up that self is accessing energetic LOVE its time to take action and breathe, apply self-forgiveness and self-corrective application.
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